As the holidays draw closer, some of you will be hosting a number of gatherings that you may or may not be prepared for. Perhaps your appliances are on their last legs, or you need some basic necessities for cooking a good meal. You might even have an old set of half-matched dishes that you really don't want to put on display for your company.
Today's sweeps offer the chance to effortlessly bring your kitchen to the holiday-ready level you desire!
First, those new appliances...
The AHS You Pick 3 Giveaway
This sweeps has three methods of entry available, each of which you may enter once daily. Along with the above link, you can also enter here, as well as by completing an AHS home warranty quote. Though the latter link was available in the rules, I did not find the link to work.
* 3 grand prizes (one each month. September's drawing is over, so two remain). Each winner will have the opportunity to choose three appliances from a list of select GE appliances, with a combined value of up to $7,500. Winners will also each receive $200 for installation. Total ARV $7,700, each prize.
One entry per person per day, per regular methods of entry, with bonus entries available, for a total of a possible 14 entries per day. Open to legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States and D.C., 21 or older. Ends November 30, 2014.
Next, the basics to create some great meals for your company to savor...
Stonewall Kitchen Comfort Cooking Sweepstakes
* Grand prize includes the following:
1 12-piece Stonewall Kitchen branded pan set
1 Mulled Cider Mix
1 Farmhouse Brine
1 Stuffing Spice Mix
1 Beef Brisket Simmering Sauce
1 Buffalo Wing Sauce
1 Butter Chicken Simmering Sauce
1 Cacciatore Simmering Sauce
1 Chili Starter
1 Coconut Curry Simmering Sauce
1 Coq Au Vin Simmering Sauce
1 Mom's Meatloaf Starter
1 Pulled Pork Simmering Sauce
1 Sloppy Joe Sauce
1 Tikka Masala Simmering Sauce
1 Cheddar Herb Biscuit Mix
1 Cornbread Mix
1 Rosemary Parmesan Olive Oil Quick Bread Mix
1 Butternut Squash Risotto Mix
1 Mushroom Risotto Mix
1 Roasted Garlic Risotto Mix
1 Vegetable Risotto Mix
1 California Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Chipotle Oil
1 Lemon Pepper Oil
1 Roasted Garlic Oil
1 Rosemary Oil
1 Sweet Basil Oil
1White Truffle Oil
Total ARV $1,348.55.
One entry per person/email address. Open to legal residents of the 48 contiguous United States and D.C., at least 18 and the age of majority in their place of residence. Ends November 10, 2014.
Finally, some additional necessities, along with just the right touch for a beautiful table setting...
Corelle Dining Sweepstakes
For this sweeps, you will need to watch a brief video to gain access to the entry form.
* Grand prize includes the following:
1 Corelle Cherish 42-piece set
1 CW by Corningware 4-piece set
2 Corningware Pop-Ins Mugs
1 Baker’s Secret 8-piece box set
1 Pyrex 19-piece Bake and Prep set
1 Chicago Cutlery ProHold 13-piece Block set
1 Snapware 38-piece Total Solution set
Total ARV US $544.93.
* 12 weekly prizes, each consisting of one Corelle 16-piece set. ARV $89.99, each prize.
One entry per person, with the opportunity for bonus entries. Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, D.C., and Canada (excluding Quebec), who have reached the legal age of majority in their place of residence. Ends November 9, 2014.
Winning News
I recently received an email from "The Children's Book Review" (listed on the SD Book Giveaways page), telling me I won a runner up prize in one of their giveaways. The prize is a paperback copy of "Risen: The Battle for Darracia: Book 3", autographed by Michael Phillip Cash.
This was pretty exciting for me, so a big thank you to The Children's Book Review, and to Michael Phillip Cash! (FYI, I have no personal or professional affiliation with the site, or with Mr. Cash, outside of that of any other visitor. I have this particular site listed here for book lovers, and because I think it provides a valuable service, and because I think it is so important for children to read... and, of course, for the great giveaways!)
On another note, my youngest son and I had occasion to go out to lunch last week, so we decided to go to McDonald's to play the Monopoly game there. This is listed as a bonus on the "How to Avoid Sweepstakes Scams" post.
We ended up with an instant win of a free "McFlurry" or yogurt parfait, while we were there. Then after I got home and entered the codes through the above mentioned link, I also won a free one day video rental from Redbox! This was fun. Thanks, McDonald's!
Good Luck!
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