Register to win a new HD Camera at the Independent Film Channels "Free Film Fest"
The Independent Film Channel (IFC) is travelling across the country bringing its free film fest to parks in ten different cities throughout the summer. In each city, they will host three films, one per night for three nights in a row.
The uncut screenings available for your no-cost viewing pleasure will be:
"Raising Arizona",
"The Princess Bride",
"Napoleon Dynamite".
The films will be shown on a "state-of-the-art outdoor video system", a 40' x 20' inflatable air screen designed specifically for this purpose, with activities and entertainment preceding the viewing.
The first film fest was held July 10-12 in Philedelphia, with the rest of the tour proceeding as follows:
Atlanta, GA - July 17 - 19
Miami, FL - July 24 - 26
Memphis, TN - July 31 - August 2
Denver, CO - August 7 - 9
San Francisco, CA - August 14 - 16
Seattle, WA - August 21 - 23
Detroit, MI - August 28 - 30
Boston, MA - September 4 - 6
Washington, D.C. - September 12 - 14
One of the highlights of the tour, aside from the screenings, is the Media Lab Lounge. Top local short film creators can upload their films via the Media Lab Website for public viewing in the Media Lounge. Event goers can also register to win a new HD camera while they are there.
Assasin's Creed Short Film Contest
IFC and Ubisoft are looking for short films of six minutes or less, based on the view portrayed in the game "Assasin's Creed", which looks from the viewpoint of the assasin. They are asking for films that incorporate at least one of five criteria, including but not limited to "assasination of historical figures" and "conspiracy surrounding historical assasination". Submissions will be accepted until August 25, 2007.
Entries will be voted on by the public at the IFC website, with the top three (Grand Prize Winner and two runner-ups) being aired on IFC. Grand Prize will also include:
$10,000 cash
Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft
Short film will be included in the limited edition release of the Assasin's Creed video game
Copy of the game
Two runners-up will be receiving:
$2,500 cash
Xbox 360 system
Short film included in the limited edition release of the Assasin's Creed video game
Short film aired on the IFC Network
There is a limit of five short film submissions per person and per email address per day, with standard submission guidelines such as model release forms required for anyone other than the original artist, etc.
Find out more HERE