Beauty and the Geek is a reality show by executive producers Ashton Kutcher and Jason Goldberg, where eight "socially impaired" males and eight" academically impaired but gorgeous" females are paired for a chance to win $250,000. Each contestant is required to pass certain challenges in order to move on to the next round.
In this weeks episode, the geeks were assigned a dog, and were challenged to use it as a "chick magnet" to see how many phone numbers they could receive from ladies passing by. The winning geek scored seven. The beauties had to build a dog house in under an hour, with only the tools they were assigned, which were then judged by a professional dog house maker.
Watch Beauty and the Geek on The CW Television Network, Wednesdays at 8/7 Central, for your chance to win a three day/two night trip for two to Las Vegas. The trip will include round-trip airfare, hotel accomodations, and a gift cheque for $200 redeemable at participating restaurants, with a total approximate retail value of $1,850.
Each week, one male and one female sweepstakes participant will be chosen, for a total of ten grand prize winners.
To enter, follow this link and answer four questions surrounding the show, as per instructions. (The answers you provide need not be correct in order for your entry to be valid.) Enter weekly as entries are not held over for the next show.
You can also apply to be a contestant HERE
By Jennifer L. Thompson
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